Jacqui Kinnie

“My name is NUTMEG,’ she screamed – Kindle Edition There was once, really and truly there was, a wonderful place called Children’s Garden, in Marin County, California. Broken children came to be mended. This is the story of Nutmeg. Click the cover for more information, including ordering the book.  *Jacqui is no longer with us, […]

Barbara Chertok

It began in 2009 with a pain on the left side of Jessica’s head. An MRI revealed two brain tumors, one on each auditory nerve. The tumor on the left side was large and life threatening, pressing on her brainstem. Later that year, Jessica Toews was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2), a genetic disorder […]

Noel Wilson Smith

Noel Wilson Smith

NOEL WILSON SMITH received his AB degree from Indiana University, his MA from University of Colorado, and his Ph.D. from Indiana University. He was Professor Emeritus at the State University of New York at Plattsburgh, Courtesy Professor at the University of Florida, Fellow in the American Psychological Association, and has held offices in the American Association […]

Robert Magill

Bob Magill

After Rutgers Business School I launched into the business world by starting a fishing camp in Ship Bottom, NJ. So much for higher ed. Later as part of the Cool Jazz era I played stand -up bass with various groups around the country.  I quit life on the road just in time to meet and marry […]

Karen Koenig

Karen Koenig

Karen R. Koenig, and her husband, Keith Loring moved to Sarasota from Boston in 2005 and were delighted to find HUSBAY members so warm and welcoming. Semi-retired, she continues to love her work as a licensed psychotherapist specializing in overeating and binge-eating, writing books (she’s written eight), articles, and blogs. Private practice and doing volunteer […]

Barry Zack

Barry Zack

When Barry and his wife Joanne first moved to Sarasota in the spring of 2009, he was concerned that he would be unable to find people like the friends at the Ethical Culture Society in Maplewood, N.J. he lost in his move south. It wasn’t long before he discovered the HUSBAY luncheon, which happened to […]

Dr. Jack Wayne

Dr. Jack Wayne

Jack Wayne was born during the Great Depression, just one of the depressions from which his family suffered. He spent his childhood in Windsor, Ontario and, after four years at the University of Toronto and two more at the University of Michigan, plunged into the world of work. His employment as a rehabilitation worker for a […]

Dan Dana

Dan Dana

Dan is a retired mediator, psychologist, and educator living with wife Susan in Sarasota. His life experiences include: • Serving in the U.S. Army in Vietnam (noncombat) and Panama Canal Zone (1966-1968); • Earning a PhD in counseling psychology (University of Missouri, 1977);• Teaching at a New England university for 28 years, and guest-lecturing at educational institutions on […]

Barbara G Walker

Barbara is a researcher, lecturer, and author of 24 books and numerous articles on comparative religion, history, mythology, symbolism, mineral lore, the tarot, the I Ching, a collection of original Feminist Fairy Tales, an autobiography, a novel, and two essay collections: Man Made God and Belief and Unbelief. Her Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets has been in print since 1983 and […]

Ernie Kinnie

In addition to the book shown, Ernie also has a website. You can learn more about that on our Who’s Who page. You can also click on the cover below for informartion on that title. Ernie can be contacted at  kinniee@comcast.net. A true tale of the Wild West of long ago. The way it really was among […]