Citizens’ Climate Lobby

October 3, 2018
Roger Streit

Roger Streit presented a report on the Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Including its Work, Organization, and Accomplishments.

Description:  The federal government’s best first step in addressing climate change should be to facilitate the transition from using greenhouse gas emitting fuels to using other processes that provide energy. Of the techniques that a government can use to facilitate this transition (subsidies, regulations, cap and trade plans, or taxes) a revenue neutral carbon tax plan is preferred. Such a plan grows the economy equitably and is a market-based solution that conservatives can support.

For more than ten years Citizens’ Climate Lobby volunteers have been relentlessly building the political will to advance such a plan, called Carbon Fee and Dividend. Evidence of their progress is building.

In 2017, the Climate Leadership Council , a conservative group of Republican leaders, put forth its own concrete, market-based climate solution.

Bipartisan cooperation is growing but we need more help.

Carbon Fee and Dividend
The Political Will for Action:
CCL’s work results:
Climate Leadership Council Has Another (Similar) Plan:
Exceeding Paris (click for a link to this bi-partisan plan

Roger Streit’s Bio: Roger grew up in Passaic, New Jersey. He majored in Economics at Lafayette College in Easton Pennsylvania and has an MBA in finance from the University of Rochester. He is a retired financial planner.

He and his wife moved to Sarasota in September, 2016.

Roger has been a member of Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) since May 2013 when he helped start the Montclair, New Jersey chapter. He helped start the Venice Florida chapter in March 2017.

Montclair was the 90th chapter of CCL. Venice was the 385th chapter.

Roger has participated in more than a dozen lobby meetings with members of Congress or their aides.

He will be talking about market-based solutions to climate change. They are gaining bipartisan support, but we need help.