Speaker: Dan Dana
Subject: Haiku Dojo
March 10 theme: Across Generations
Dojo (Japanese) = “Place of the Way” Haiku dojo uses poems to spark the group’s search for the “way”
How it works: 1. Dan will read the first of three
to five selected haiku quintets that relate to a common theme.
Each reading requires about one minute.
2. Attendees share thoughts, reflections, comments, questions
evoked by that particular quintet for about ten minutes.
3. Dan reads the second selected haiku
4. Repeat discussion per step 2 above.
5. Upon completion of reading and reflecting on all haiku,
we open a free-range discussion of any ideas that arise of these readings.
Here is a link to a further understanding this presntation.
If you would like to share one or more of your creative achievements,
Please let us know, and we will schedule your for a presentation in the near future.
This meeting will be using the Zoom format.
When the COVID-19 restrictions are finally lifted, we hope to return to the live format.
Facilitator: Barry Zack
Meetings begin at about 1:15pm, ending by around 3:00.
Our hats off to Jacqui Kinnie for her many years of service,
helping to make Current Affairs one of HUSBAY’s most popular Special Interest groups.
(Just one of her many contributions to HUSBAY. – We miss you, Jacqui.)