Your Life, Your Death, Your Choice?

Wednesday, March 4, 2024
Kevin Bradley

Synopsis: Medical technology can keep your body functioning longer than ever, whether you want to or not. Who decides (and why), and what can you do about it.

Speaker Bio: Kevin Bradley has been active with the Right to Die movement since 2016. Most recently, he has been working with Final Exit Network to provide education and support to mentally competent adults who face an unacceptable quality of life due to physical illness and want to explore their end-of-life options. An ordained minister, Kevin testified on behalf of medical aid in dying at the Minnesota Senate and co-founded Interfaith Clergy for End-of-Life Options as a chapter of Compassion & Choices. He developed an online Right to Die course for the American Humanist Association and has spoken at the American Atheists national convention and other freethinker events.