Dr. Ryan Cragun – The Decline of Religiosity World Wide and the US

Monday, July 1, 2024
Dr. Ryan Cragun

Synopsis: Dr. Ryan Cragun, a professor at the University of Tampa, will discuss the decline of religiosity world wide and the US in a presentation to HUSBAY members on Monday, July 1 at 7pm via Zoom.  (Link will be available on Sunday, 6/30 and am Monday, July 1st.)

Speaker Bio: Dr. Ryan T. Cragun is a husband, father, and empirical sociologist (in order of importance). His scholarship focuses on nonreligion (or secular lifestances) and Mormonism. His research has been published in a variety of academic journals, such as: Journal for the Scientific Study of ReligionSociology of Religion, and Social Science and Medicine. He’s the author or editor of numerous books, including, Beyond Doubt: The Secularization of Society and Organized Secularism in the US. When he’s not working, he’s spending time with his wife and son, hiking, or tinkering with computers. For more about his work, you can visit his website: www.ryantcragun.com. Originally from Utah, he now lives in Florida and works at The University of Tampa.