Jim Chastain

Jim Chastain passed away on his 92nd birthday. To learn more, please click on this link.

He spent his working career as a professor of finance, specializing in risk management and insurance. He taught at universities in Mississippi, Wyoming, Iowa, Nebraska and was Dean of the American Institute for Property and Liability Insurance , in Pennsylvania. In his last 13 years before retirement at Howard University in Washington, D.C. he was Chair of Department of Finance and Director of the Center for Insurance Education.

Since retirement Jim and his wife Ellie worked for an American Indian organization, operated a Kumon math program in Hawaii, were full time RVers, lived in Greece, played golf and tennis in Florida and worked in the Denver headquarters of the Hemlock Society. Since Final Exit Network was formed as an outgrowth of the Hemlock Society in 2004 Jim has been active with it, first as a Board member and now as President of the Final Exit Network affiliate of Florida and as a Senior Exit Guide. Jim coordinates Socrates Café groups in three libraries.

In fun Jim is an Admiral in the Nebraska Navy, a Kentucky Colonel and a Tennessee Squire but says his highest honor so far was being named an Honorary Woman by the National Association of Insurance Women.