We, humans, are the result of a remarkable series of atomic, chemical, physical, biological, ecological, and sociological interactions spanning 13.8 billion years. The very fact that we’ve figured out how we came to be is testament to how special we are. But we don’t always live up to our potential. Follow the story of how we came to be, what makes us so noteworthy, and why having humans on the planet is certainly consequential.
Jeff Rodgers is Provost and Chief Operating Officer of the South Florida Museum in Bradenton, Florida. He has been with the museum for thirteen years, and served as the museum’s Director of Education and Director of the Bishop Planetarium prior to taking his current position. He came to Florida from the American Museum of Natural History and Hayden Planetarium in New York City, where he worked for nine years as an educator and lecturer. Despite his current administrative roles, he is at heart a science communicator, spending the bulk of his time trying to de-mystify the universe and our place in it.
More about our speaker, and the South Florida Museum by clicking Here.
Many thanks to Sandie Zellick for orgnanizing this event. No small task! Charles Darwin would be proud.
Scenes from the 2018 Party (courtesy of Gale Midwood)

Soothes With Music

the Show Gowing

On the Stage

Judy H

David C & Donna G

Noel S & Joyce S

and Baerbel K

the Show

Jim C & Penny U

Eli & Lou A & Rhea W

Mona & Kabir K

Jeff Rogers

Karen, Phil, Jack & Sharon

Hugest Crowd Ever

the Room