From HUSBAY Caring Committee

Jim Chastain

We are saddened by the passing of member for many years, Jim Chastain. A message from Jim’s son, Paul, appears below. To paraphrase Bilbo Baggins – “Today is my 92nd birthday. Alas, 92 is far too short a time to live among such excellent and admirable people. “I don’t know half of you half as […]

In Memory of Andrew Tian

Andrew Tian

From HUSBAY Caring Committee: As you know, HUSBAY has a weekly Wednesday lunch group at New Dynasty Restaurant in Sarasota.  After many years of meeting there, we have come to think of staff as friends and sometimes even family.  It is therefore, with sadness, that I must tell you of the death of the manager […]

America’s First Public Monument to Atheism

atheists Monument

June 28, 2013, Bradford County Florida: Following a lawsuit and more than a year of controversy, at noon on Saturday a group called the American Atheists will unveil the United States’ first public monument to atheism in a square outside the County courthouse in Starke, Florida, near Jacksonville. The five-foot-long, grey granite bench and connecting […]