Dan Dana

Dan is a retired mediator, psychologist, and educator living with wife Susan in Sarasota. His life experiences include: • Serving in the U.S. Army in Vietnam (noncombat) and Panama Canal Zone (1966-1968); • Earning a PhD in counseling psychology (University of Missouri, 1977);• Teaching at a New England university for 28 years, and guest-lecturing at educational institutions on […]
Barbara G Walker

Barbara is a researcher, lecturer, and author of 24 books and numerous articles on comparative religion, history, mythology, symbolism, mineral lore, the tarot, the I Ching, a collection of original Feminist Fairy Tales, an autobiography, a novel, and two essay collections: Man Made God and Belief and Unbelief. Her Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets has been in print since 1983 and […]
Baerbel Kavanaugh

Baerbel won 3rd Prize at a recent juried art show at University Park Country Club. Well over 30 artists had admitted more than 150 works. Baerbel works primarily in oil and her overall style is modern realism. She approaches each painting as an emotional and intellectual challenge and often her initial ideas of forms and […]
Ernie Kinnie

In addition to the book shown, Ernie also has a website. You can learn more about that on our Who’s Who page. You can also click on the cover below for informartion on that title. Ernie can be contacted at kinniee@comcast.net. A true tale of the Wild West of long ago. The way it really was among […]
Bonnie Friedman

Bonnie, who spends her snowbird time in Washington, DC, has an important book, especially in this day and age. It’s entitled Hospital Warrior: How to Get the Best Care for Your Loved One. Click the cover for more information. Synopsis: Reading this book will make you a strong, successful advocate—ready to take charge, act with confidence […]
2024 Annual Membership Meeting (Monday, Jan. 29)
Where: UU of Sarasota, REEB RoomSocial Gathering: 6:30pm Meerting Starts:7:00pm Agenda:1. Call to order2. Secretary’s Report3. Treasurer’s Report4. BUDGET FOR 20245. MEMBERSHIP REPORT6. GENERAL REPORTS (luncheons, newsletter, website, film group, Darwin Day)7. Old Business—Scholarship, Donations, fundraising8. New Business—Gift of $50009. Election of Board Member—Phil Frankel10. Thank you and Adjournment
2023 Annual Membership Meeting (Monday, Jan. 23)
This was a live meeting, beginning at 2:00pm,held at the Center for Arts and Humanity(1226 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota 34236) Agenda: 1. Call to order 2. Secretary’s Report 3. Treasurer’s Report 4. BUDGET FOR 2023 5. MEMBERSHIP REPORT 6. GENERAL REPORTS (luncheons, newsletter, website, film group, Darwin Day) 7. Old Business—Scholarship 8. New Business—Fund raisers […]
2022 Annual Membership Meeting (Monday, Jan. 31)
This year’s meeting was a virtual session on Zoom.Meeting begins at 2:00pm.Look for the invitation and link in your inboxes. Agenda:1. Call To Order 2. Secretary’s Report 3. Treasurer’s Report And Proposed Budget 2022 4. Membership Report 5. General Reports (SIGs, Website, Newsletter, Film Group, Darwin Day) 6. Old Business (Scholarship) 7. New Business 8. […]
2020 Annual Membership Meeting
When: Wednesday, April 20th (1:30pm.) *Note the date change Where: In front of your computer or your smart device. Agenda:1. Call To Order 2. President’s Comments And Thanks To Volunteers 3. Treasurer’s Report And Proposed Budget 20-21 (Via Email) 4. Secretary’s Report (Via Email) 5. Scholarship Update 6. Election Of Board Members 7. HUSBAY During The Coronavirus—Covid-19 […]
2019 Annual Membership Meeting
When: Monday, April 1st – Gathering at 6:30pm. Meeting began at 7:00pm. Where: Center for Arts and Humanity (same location as the lectures) 1226 N. Tamiami Trail. Agenda 1. Call to order, President’s Comments and Thanks to Volunteers 2. Secretary’s Report 3. Treasurer’s Report & Budget 2019-2020 4. Presentation of revisions to bylaws, discussion and vote (Revisions proposed […]