Next Session: To Be Announced
Turtle Beach Pavillion
Located at 8862 Midnight Pass Road – Sarasota, Florida, 34242 (See Map)
Our thanks to Sue Tschesnok and Darwin Soder for their unselfish
work in the picnic’s preparation. Carl Sagan would be proud.Bring a dish to share, chicken and place settings furnished.
It’s being held at the Turtle Beach Pavilion
just past the Turtle Beach entrance.
Scenes From our 2019 Picnic:

HUSBAY Welcomes annual picnickers
The photos below are mostly from member Karen O’Malia Zauderer
Thanks, Karen!

Marge B, Ronnie S,
Holly G, Jack B

Joanne G, Judith C, Jack &
Susan W and Noel S

Marcia and Ralph M
Judy and Bud K

Those who ventured to the back of the Turtle Beach picnic area were treated to this.

Paul T in the background

Mary and Bob M, Holly G,
Barbara K, Noel S

Betty C, Claudia H, Garret C, Robert L, and Sandra Z

Phil Z, Judy & Bud K,
Karen O, and Marcia M